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Requiem for a Noob

Hello Everyone,

I assume you already guessed it, considering nothing happened around here for quite a while, so yes, it's true:

The Noobz are history for now.

Life caught up with the band, the members found different jobs in different cities, too far apart from each other to maintain being able to meet for rehearsing and songwriting.

The old domain has therefore been abandoned, but I, the page's Ex-Webmaster, didn't want the page to go down with the band. They made way too good music for that, music that still should be shared with the world. So I created the new domain and uploaded the backup of the old page here so that the music of the Noobz may continiue to reach new audiences, even though there won't be any new songs from now on :-(

But thats life, sometimes, after a flight training that shows a person's potential to be a great pilot, it clips his wings before he had a real chance to take off and soar. But still, this time on the training plane was a fantastic adventure that will remain forever in the memories of all band members, me and hopefully all the others who accompanied us during some parts of that journey.

So, this is farewell, friends.
But remember: Should you get bored while surfing the web due to the lack of nice music, just vist this page again, enjoy the unique sound of The Noobz one more time and keep us in good memory!


Happy Holidays

We would like to wish all of you out there a merry x-mas and a happy new year!

Rock on,
The Noobz

Upcoming performances

Besucher seit dem 05.10.07:

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Site Updates:

Neue Sektion "Presse" zur Rubrik "Über uns" hinzugefügt.
Video-Sektion ist wieder online.
Anti-Spam-Funktion ins Gästebuch integriert.
Eine neue Galerie wurde der Foto-Sektion hinzugefügt.
Die runderneuerte Website geht online.
Alle Lyrics und Videos integriert.
Technik und Design abgeschlossen.
Design geändert.
Gästebuch fertiggestellt.
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Administrationssystem eingerichtet.